Saturday, April 9, 2011

Negative advertising...hmm

Why isn't it effective? It's nasty! And sadly, a reality of the morning after. We all know this. I often hear people say things like: " head hurts so much, I feel so sick and contaminated...So that's IT! I've had it! I'm never drinking again!" (at least until next weekend?) Why don't they ever advertise reality? (I do know why, I'm not challenged, they really just need to make money off us so they aren't going to show us what really happens...sigh...if only hate speech wasn't punishable.  Then! There could be campaigns that would do the opposite of the glam ads) I think it would open peoples' eyes and then reality would change.  Indoctrinate the masses with the reality that they may experience is soooo the way to go! Scare them off I say!
Well...:) I can only dream, right?
Pioggia aka Rayne

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