Saturday, April 9, 2011

Absolut harmonic advertising...

Harmony: The natural blending together of sounds.  Peaceful, perfect, just right. The epitome of beautiful things existing together to create a blend of something simply heavenly. The climax of amazing objects intertwined. In music, there are notes that have threads of other notes in them-these are called overtones.  When a harmony-a blend of sounds is perfect, these overtones vibrate and literally sound like heaven to the ears. It is rare sound, difficult to achieve, each instrument or voice has to be completely in sync and completely devoted to making a beautiful sound, there is no technique to getting it, it is something felt with the heart and played with the heart. It is music for the heart. There are times when the music rings so perfectly in your ears that you almost can't bear to hear something so almost hurts. 
In this advert, Absolut Harmony by Absolut Vodka, the picture is implying that having this vodka is everything I described above. And I like this advert for 2 reasons, 1:  it isn't lying to the consumer-this may be what it feels like to be drunk-so it isn't false, and 2:  it isn't using women or children or a type of lifestyle (the if you have this product, this is what your life will be like) to sell the drink.  It is quite simply-smart advertising. Which is what I can say since the beginning of this type of this idealistic advertising of Absolut Vodka began.  It has been running since 1980 and with more than 1500 adverts in it's name-it is the longest running campaign advertising has seen, and needless to say-it is equally effective , it's the 3rd most sold alcoholic beverage in the world.  And!  It's proudly South African, the idea came from S.A man, Geoff Hayes=).  Another clever strategy of the brand was to have gay-themed ads, not promoting, but supporting the gay population, making their advertising effective in the sense that more and more people, not only gays lent their support to Absolut EVERYTHING.
I quite admire the Absolut ad campaign.  I think it's absolut genius.

Pioggerellina aka Rayne

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