Saturday, April 9, 2011

Gimme some gender equality (at least) you sexy beast!

Why, why and why again are women always subject to attracting men to products that have nothing to do with sex?! If anything, alcohol contributes to making alcohol about sex, or rather, the advertising thereof. Ok. Obviously it does. And the topic of: "Hey! Stop exploiting womens' dignity in advertising, it contributes to bad treatment of them!" never ever stops growing. It gets more interesting every time.  So I'm going to focus my energy towards being sarcastic instead.
What if this guys dreams are to be a serial killer?  Or a paedophile? Or something worse? Or even worse than the previous worse, he drinks a bit too much and becomes the enforcer of somebody elses nightmares? Daydreams are supposed to be lovely, innocent, clean and good!  What are we saying? 'Yes, son, make little pornos in your  head to your doused in alcohol little heart's content:)It's chilled, go for it."  So, no, fineprint in the bottom left corner, "Drinking Responsibly" does not feature in pervish daydreams where half-naked women are wrapped around your body.  Reason? She'd have to be out of her mind drunk. Which is the problem, is it not? Research has shown that alcohol ads do not draw more people to indulge in knocking a few back, but to drink more, and it is true.  The ratio of binge drinkers and alcoholics does not depend on the amount of adverts. Drink yourself to intoxication til' the party GETS fun is how the mense do it these days.

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