Saturday, April 9, 2011

Johnny does a radio ad =D

The night before last, our group spent the night and most of the morning (until 04:00 to be precise) making a radio ad for our campaign. Laylah, wonderful Laylah came up with the script and the idea whilst the rest of us were ad analyzing and researching different things. Saarah wil attach it for all to hear.  It was really fun to do!  But also a lot of work. We used 3 cell phones and an ipod for the recordings and an ipod and speakers for the background music...there was a little karaoke time as well hahaha. We experimented with a lot of sound effects and found that clinking glasses just doesn’t work at home no matter what, it sounds like a bell clanging lol. So we got sound effects down to 2 things:  laughter-as in laughter in a pub/bar and water being poured into a glass with clinking ice-which was my job! We went through 3 trays of ice, a litre of water and you would not believe how easy it is to miss your cue when you’re as tired as we were and had been at it for what felt like a thousand years. There were sooooo many hilarious moments, A LOT of laughter and ridiculous mistakes, but never any bad vibes between us, our group dynamics are superb=) Thank you group! You made it tolerable.
I have to admit that after spending so many hours with you all, the most valuable thing I have is the memories and the stringer friendships.  I hope Johnny walks forever=)


1 comment:

  1. Wow, Mia... Gettin touchy much? :)
    Though I must say that spending time together was the best part of this *tedious* project.
