Saturday, April 9, 2011

Morgan puts his foot down!! Hello beautiful people =) Another sleepover has come and gone and honestly,I'm sitting at school tired beyond the meaning itself. Lastnight's session was so intense, but didn't we just all have fun? I know I did! (^^,) The shooting of our advertisement was absolut(e) crazyness. Saarah your neighbours are the best... Perfect "club" scene,=) working straight through the early hours of the morning.We definitely worked our butts off at this project. I know we are all dead to the world today. [Group hug] Anyway,my thought for the day is us women putting our foot down. We are all familiar with the Captain Morgan logo and as I was practicing for fashion show, I realized how precious we are not only as human beings, but as women. We should value ourselves as being a cut above the rest, elevated from the negatives of society! (Oh shhh, I know you are all probably laughing at me). Why should our gender be degraded in alcohol advertisements for over 3 decades? I would love to hear your opinions on this before I get carried away with this post as you know how passionate I am about women being treated with respect...So, do you all think we should put our foot down too? If Captain Morgan can have his proudly angled, we can have ours the complete opposite...Firmly standing on the ground based upon our own beliefs. Remember ladies, if you satnd for nothing, you'll fall for everything and guess what, falling for these advertisements and accepting them combined with over-indulgence, will actually put us to the floor. Is this really what we want? If it is, society's perceptions will never change! So, as amazing as we worked our killer heels in our ad lastnight,we have definitely worked our project. Thank you for the fabulous night you guys, it was beyond extraordinary. Looking forward to seeing you all soon. Much love Kristen VG

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