Saturday, April 9, 2011

Lights! Camera! Action!

We made our second ad, which AGAIN took many hours and went waaaay into the early hours of the morning.  I blame this on the kitchen...and 2 key words:  procrastination and food, ‘nuff said haha.
With Hannah providing the props, Saarah’s mom providing the wardrobe, Saarah providing the shoes, Laylah providing the laughs when she complained about walking in heels and the neighbour’s son, Suhail, being our bar man, we were ready to go! Saarah was camera man, Kristin and I were the bad example and Hannah and Laylah were the good example. Kristin and I got play-play drunk and disorderly-which was a lot of fun haha. And H and L were what our campaign wants the world to be like-responsible.  We used the neighbour’s bar as our venue. And don’t worry! We used Appletiser, not real alcohol...
Ciao for now

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