Saturday, April 9, 2011

Half full, half empty, but definately twisted.

Back when Jesus was on the earth, the greatest gift God bestowed unto us sinners was the gift of choice. We choose what we want, where we go, who we associate ourselves with, our values, our oppinions. This is a scapegoat for advertising companies! Do not be fooled!  Ofcourse it's our choice to actually go and purchase the product, ofcourse it's our choice to allow the propaganda to override our best interests and ofcourse we don't have to belive everything we see.  But subconsciously, we do. Why? Not because we don't know what the effects of alcohol are, but because we don't know what the effects of advertising are. It's all very well and good to see a bunch of gorgeous people having a blast because they're drinking coupious amount of intoxicating beverages.  But what we don't know is that those people probably have hectic problems, are looking for attention, have herpes or something and are likely to suffer an eternal bout of kidney problems:) So all alcohol does is increase our chances of dying sooner than later:) Charming, I know:)
All advertisng does is persuade us to buy the product that is being shoved in our faces.  And I'm aware that people need to make money, advertising creates jobs and so does selling the product. But why make it look integral to having a good 'jol' or gathering of people,  or the well-earned reward at the end of a hard week's work? We don't promote drinking and driving, why promote drinking at all?
Mia aka Rayne

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