Saturday, April 9, 2011

OUR JOHNNY JUST STARTED WALKING:) (yaaaaay johnneeeeeeee!)

JOHNNY being our group ofcourse:) We met today with that NO LOGO book and made our focus the history of the advertising of alcohol.  After reading the book, we found that bouncing ideas off each other was more productive. We shared our favourite alcohol ads and the messages we thought they were sending, which later gave me something to chew on during the car ride back home.
 The advertising of alcohol doesn't differ from the advertising of any other product really.  It makes something harmful look glamorous and intrigueing and makes you think that there is no other way to have fun when you're out or that after a hard days work. Society thinks being a real man means you deserve a good ole manly beer, but ladies and gentlemen, let us ask ourselves: WHY?! Beer is gross no matter what! Geez...And, in my opinion, it makes you smell like the floor of a dingy bar in a dark little somewhere.
Back to our Johnny though:) Pumped with excitement and ready to conquer the world (or at least our English class), sporting thoughtful frowns and and overflowing with attack-the-alcohol-ads energy, we were stopped dead in our tracks when we tried to do some digging.  NO alcohol websites would let us in unless we were 18! Double-you-tee-eff?!? For real?!! Yes, for real...maybe they were advertising some old school brothels as well, I don't know...but being honest, 16 year olds, we didn't even attempt to find out. Need I mention how easy it is to lie about age over the internet? It's not like there's a huge bouncer-man checking how high your heels are, thick you make-up is and how busty you made yourself look while he tries to decipher whether you really did leave you ID at home or not:) No, we're better than that.
So we just found a way to start our presentation instead:) with one of the all-famous Peroni ads.
Ciao for now

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