Thursday, April 7, 2011

SPINNING, SPINNING and more SPINNING Hello everyone :) Since my last post, I have visited my dearest father's office at Brandhouse.It is the leading alcohol company in spirits and the sparkling green-bottle beers. However, let us get one thing straight, I went there purely for our project research purposes...nothing more =D I have titled this post according to my exact mental state and no ladies, not because I've fallen for the intense manipulation through alcohol advertisements.I've been brainstorming on how we can present our fabulous project and guess what??? I've gotten us all t-shirts. =D On to some serious business, our due date is nearing soon and we should all be extremely excited.We are working methodically and smartly at this you guys. It's so awesome how interested we are in our topic and how hardworking we all are towards it. Hopefully this evening we will have all our group members present...really looking forward to it you crazy people =D. Catch you later little blogsters Much love *Kristen VG* =)

1 comment:

  1. hey are pretty awesome.I can't wait to see our t-shirts! yay yay!
