Thursday, April 7, 2011

Jose Cuervo - to be 'shot' or not?

Hi ladies...yet again :)

I'm addicted to this blogging business now, worse than mxit and facebook put together. =) But lovely ladies, our project seems to be coming along really well.

As I'm sitting on the couch watching Saarah and Rayne attempt to make supper, I thought of something that definitely deserves a blog post.


Why is there a constant hype about tequila and the whole idea of "shots?"

Why is it the cause of an almost 18-year-old's excitement for being alive another year?

Why is so much thought put into the presentation and consumption of Mr.Cuervo?

Looking at young, beautiful women, like ourselves, I realised that we too are very much aware and a part of the contributing factors to keeping Mr.Cuervo at his peak of fame. We know about "shots," we know the negative consequences of endulging into this extreme social satisfaction of so-called fame, but are we ready to take him down and say NO?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying there is anything wrong in having fun and experiencing new things but should it not then be done out of choice rather than impulse? Research shows that approximately 89% of teenagers between the ages of 13 and 16 consume alcohol purely for the illusion it creates and in doing this project, we see the implications advertising has on society.

Gender and sexual orientation is a major component too. Beer advertisements for example are mostly directed towards men whereas other spirits are conveyed and sold through sex with the images of women. I never really thought of this before until now. Alcohol advertisements single out certain groups sometimes, for example, 'gay' men are supposed Cosmopolitan drinkers as such are very feminine women. Do we realise this though and should we not then wake up and smell the coffee, therefore enforcing positive 'spirit'?

WE DO NOT NEED ALCOHOL TO HAVE FUN!! In most cases, those who drink to get wasted, often have issues with themselves or in their every day environment. But how I ask you are they suppose to overcome their difficulties by helping themselves if advertisements oh so often tell people that life can be great and "it all comes together"(Castle Lager advert)?

People, indeed this is a subject that broaches deep emotion within me to make our advertising campaign positive rather than negative. =) Move over Mr.Cuervo, you're about to be shot!

Let's get working ladies (^^,)


*Kristen VG*

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