Saturday, April 9, 2011

"It all comes together"...

Dear fellow blogsters Firstly, I would like to say a huge thank you to Rayne and Saarah for their extreme hardwork at editing and perfecting our movie ad. I know it must have been very frustating working with technology that refuses to co-operate. See why I like people more? Secondly, I would like to thank each and every one of you for your dedication and commitment to this project (a relationship you don't want to have is not exactly easy). This project has driven us to eat excessively, drink excessively (laugh and catch the pun) and almost give up but as a group we have all been each other's driving forces. Last but not leastly, just like the ads of Castle Lager express a life of unity if you consume the brand, I feel that we have achieved this without consumption. This project has brought us even closer as friends and the best and most important part, our project has come together and for this this I've made up our own slogan. =) "It all comes together with an US." Hope you all get lots of rest tonight. KVG

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