Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Brain Storming Session

So, part of the english advertising project is to create our own campaign around our focus. As you should have gained by now, our focus is ALCOHOL. Hmmm... Interesting topic: Fun to criticize, Fairly Easy to Analyse BUT - how do you create a campaign for it (you know, to promote it) without being slightly biased, deceptive or fictional? In my campaign I want to tell people to not induldge in alcohol yet, at the same time I am encouraging them to buy it as well? This is tough.

[Brain Storming Session]

[Lunch Break] :)

[Resume Brain Storming Session]

We need to have three different types of advertisements in different forms of media. I'm thinking a radio ad (that's just one voice recording), a television ad (a fun scene in front of the video camera) and a magazine/newspaper ad (a picture with words on it)... AND tada! We have our advertisements. Now: off to actually do it. (internal groan)

MENTAL BRAINWAVE (!!!): why don't we make a super cool jingle for the radio ad? Now... to find a word that rhymes with 'don't indulge' or 'use wisely'...

[Back to Brain Storming]

**Laylah Ryklief**

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