Monday, April 4, 2011

It's dry, and i wouldn't recommend you to drink it...

I know I'm supposed to be critisizing all alcohol advertisements, telling you how horrid they are and that they should be banned and so on and so forth... but I think I've done a lot of that for now. So I will tell you about adverts that actually made me think that not all alcohol ads are bad.

These advertisements are regarding Savanna, the cider drink. I find Savanna Ads creative and funny, as it does not create any allusion surrounding the effects of alcohol on the consumer. In fact they have one advertisement inwhich they highlight that the overuse of alcohol can result in blackouts, showing the consumer that there is a bad side to alcohol use and there is a risk involved. This is an important factor often skimmed over by other advertisements. In this particular ad, the barman comments on a man at his bar who, because of drinking too much, had a 'black out'.

Besides this enlightening advert, Savanna advertisements sell their product using dry humour and this is seen in many of the other radio or television broadcasts. So, instead of creating a facade of the type of life you could have when indulging in alcohol, Savanna keeps it real and attracts attention through humour.

Not only that, but Savanna has it's own Abour Day which it advertises too!! If only other advertising agencies would go around promoting the planting of trees like that!

Okay, I'm done now... back to critisizing alcohol advertisements... in the NEXT post.

Beunos Dias: Laylah Ryklief

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